俱乐部 & 活动

俱乐部 & 活动

We Work Hard, Compete Hard and Play Hard, Too

There's more to Clarkson than the classroom. Getting involved in campus activities is serious fun: not only can you make friends and discover passions you'll have for life, but you can also develop leadership skills, 成为一个更好的合作者, make professional connections and give back to the community.

You won't have to look far for things to do. There are more than 200 student-led clubs and activities to choose from, from club sports to cultural and identity-based groups to community and professional organizations.

视图俱乐部 & 组织


Athletes aren't the only ones competing at Clarkson. 制造赛车, robots and even concrete canoes while part of our Student Projects for Engineering Experience and Design, 或SPEED团队. Join one of a dozen teams that participate in national competitions. You don't have to be an engineer to participate, either. Teams rely on students with expertise in business, accounting, public relations and more.


An Important Part Of Golden Knight Life

There are over 250 student clubs, organizations and teams for you to check out, so you are bound to find something you like - from volunteer organizations, student government and professional societies, 去校内和俱乐部运动, 希腊组织, 还有兴趣俱乐部, 我们都有了.

We encourage students to start their own clubs and organizations, too. So if you don’t find something you love, you can get funding from our CUSA student government to become the founding member of a new club.



卡莉Soltario, a Civil Engineering sophomore, tells her experience with getting involved on campus during her second year.



You know what they say about "all work and no play." Our students take that to heart: more than two-thirds of Clarkson's student body compete in a varsity sport or participate in intramurals. Others test their strength in the campus's recreation facilities or hit the nearby trails and waterways.

NCAA Div. 第一及第三队

我们是第18支NCAA球队的主场. III men's and women's teams, in addition to our NCAA Div. I men's and women's hockey teams. Spend one night in Cheel Arena, 装3个,000 people as the Pep Band blares at top volume, 你会被迷住的. 当然, there's more to the game than the game itself: athletes know the bonds forged through teamwork build skills that last a lifetime.


系好冰鞋的鞋带, pull on your cleats or inflate your mountain bike tires: grow social bonds and engage your strategic side in our 50-plus club and intramural sports teams, including several that compete against other colleges and universities. If you're looking for something a little less intense, a dozen intermural leagues and tournaments keep the competition in-house.


领导 is a muscle you build over time. And, student government is one of the best ways to get started. The esball国际平台客户端 Student Association (CUSA) is involved in almost all aspects of student life, playing a vital role in influencing campus policy. The Clarkson Union Board (CUB), meanwhile, sponsors concerts, comedians, films and other events.

活动 and involvement aren't just for undergraduates. As a master's or PhD candidate, get your voice heard or start up a club through the esball国际平台客户端 Graduate Student Association (CUGSA).


几十年来,, fraternities and sororities at Clarkson have contributed to the leadership, 奖学金, 慈善事业, friendship and personal growth of our students. You'll make friends (and memories) that will last forever, but you'll also join organizations that have raised $80,000,演出超过20场,000 hours of community service since 2001. Today, Clarkson recognizes eight fraternities and four sororities.

Explore Fraternities and Sororities

Student 活动 By the Numbers


Our SAE Clean Snowmobile Team placed 1st overall in 2022.


俱乐部 and organizations on campus.


Year Clarkson's first fraternity was founded. 1977年,姐妹会相继成立.


你感觉到的那种燃烧? 这是一件好事. Find it at either of two fitness centers, including an 8,000-square-foot space that opened in 2020. Or, 我们的三层攀岩墙, 游泳池, indoor training facility and rec center, where you can run on an indoor track through the winter. 在春天, head to our four tennis courts or a two-mile-long outdoor rec trail that runs alongside the Raquette River.



Potsdam is in the foothills of the Adirondacks — a 6-million-acre region bigger than Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon combined, and a year-round destination for hiking, 野营, 攀岩和攀冰, 划, 滑雪等等. 热爱户外活动? You'll never run out of places to explore. 需要一些城市时间? Montreal and Ottawa, Canada's capital, are an easy drive from campus.)

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